Friday, December 14, 2012

All Creatures of Carrollton Donates 1000 lbs of Food to Operation Kindness | PRLog

All Creatures of Carrollton Donates 1000 lbs of Food to Operation Kindness | PRLog

Friday, November 30, 2012

Last Day for Food Drive + More About Cats


Thanksgiving Food Exchange Ends Today

Today is the last day for donations to the Thanksgiving Food Exchange.  So far we have collected 715.9 lbs. of human food that we will deliver to Metrocrest Social Services.  Then in December we will make the pet food donation to Operation Kindness.


More About Cats

VPI pet insurance has introduced a really interesting plan for cats called the Feline Select Plan.  The plan covers the 15 most common cat health problems for only $11 a month.  It appears to be an amazing value since it covers up to $600 in expenses per year for each problem.
We are giving away a 6 month supply of Revolution for Cats.  Revolution kills fleas and provides heartworm prevention for cats.  Just fill out an entry form at the front desk every time you visit us.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Thanksgiving Food Exchange and Secret Cats

Thanksgiving Food Exchange:
You Help People – We Help Pets
By Jamie Hutton, DVM, (All Creatures Veterinary Center)
The Thanksgiving Food Exchange is a food drive with a twist we hold each November.  We collect human food from our wonderful clients and friends.  The cans of corn, jars of peanut butter and boxes of cereal are weighed on the pet scale in our lobby and we keep a chart showing the weight of all the donations.  We give all that human food to Metrocrest Social Services in Carrollton.  Last year it was over 800 lbs. Then in December, All Creatures donates an equal amount of Hill’s® Pet Food to Operation Kindness – the no-kill animal shelter in Carrollton.  We are going to continue the Food Exchange this year and our goal is to collect and donate 1000 lbs. of food. So if your family was planning a food donation around Thanksgiving, bring it to All Creatures and it will be worth double by helping feed the cats and dogs at Operation Kindness.

A list of commonly needed items from Metrocrest’s web site: Peanut butter, Canned fruit, Mac & Cheese, Flavored rice & pasta “helpers” & “ronis”, Breakfast Cereal.

Do You Have a Secret Cat?
The other day one of our favorite clients caught me completely by surprise when she brought in her cat. I was surprised because I had no idea she had a cat. I had only met her dog. Cats now outnumber dogs as pets in the U.S. - 82 million to 72 million - but very few cats ever have a health checkup. That’s kind of sad for all those secret cats. Cats are masters at hiding illness, so usually sickness or disease has to be severe before their human notices. One thing you can do if you have a cat is to learn to watch for subtle signs of sickness. You can find a good tutorial at The best thing you can do for your cat is get a regular wellness checkup. We are making that easier this month, by offering an opportunity to get $10 Off added services like vaccines and Early Detection blood tests when you bring in your cat for a Wellness exam ($49.90) and fill out our Feline Wellness Checklist.   So now is a really great time to surprise us with that family member we never met - your cat.
All Creatures Veterinary Center
2525 E Hebron Pkwy.
Carrollton, Texas 75010

Monday, September 10, 2012

Seven, Save Your Pet From an Early Retirement, Guidelines
 (Plus one bonus guideline to save your pet at any age!)

The Important Areas of Pet
Health to Watch as They Age

1. Immune Support

The immune system protects the body from invading organisms such as bacteria, viruses and parasites. It also distinguishes between the bad organisms and good organisms as well as its own healthy cells and tissues, so the body knows which organisms to fight off and which unhealthy cells should be discarded. As pets age, their immune systems naturally weaken, and they become more susceptible to age-related conditions.
Proper nutrition is one way to help support the immune support. Starting at around age 5 to 7 years, begin feeding a senior specific food that's rich in antioxidants or you can add a supplement with antioxidants, such as beta carotene and vitamins C and E, to help keep your pet’s immune system strong and help prevent oxidative damage to cells. In fact, supplementation with beta carotene and vitamin E have been shown to maintain or boost immune function back to that of healthy adult pet levels..

The signs of a compromised immune system vary widely but might include a minor health issue that occurs over and over and does not respond to a traditional treatment.  All health issues should be treated on a case by case basis. See your veterinarian regularly for preventative health checkups and whenever your pet shows any sign of health problems.

2. Joint Health
Many older pets suffer from some of the same debilitating ailments as humans. Dogs especially start feeling their age in their joints. Weight gain, activity and age can all place stress on joints and compromise surrounding cartilage, the connective tissue that cushions and protects every joint in the body.
Keeping your pet lean is important to overall health and can help reduce the stress on her joints. Give your pet plenty of exercise, and feed her portion controlled meals with appropriate levels of nutrients
A senior pet food might also benefit your pet.  This food should have fewer calories than regular food and might include supplements like glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate, the building blocks for cartilage - the “cushion” in joints. This “cushion” is made from proteoglycans, and glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate are components of these proteoglycans. Also, look for senior food with added long-chain omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA.
If you are noticing a sudden decrease in your pet's mobility, first consult your veterinarian. There could be an underlying problem and/or additional treatments that could be beneficial.
If your pet shows signs of pain and restlessness, see your veterinarian about anti-inflammatory medication. Do not give your pet human anti-inflammatory medication, as they may not be tolerated or the right dose.
If your pet has osteoarthritis, she will appreciate ramps and extra blankets in your home. You may also want to place a comfortable, orthopedic bed on each level of your home with a nice blanket.  Warmth helps to sooth aching joints. If you have slick hardwood floors, consider adding rugs to give your pet more stable footing and make sure that your pet’s nails are kept trimmed.
Your pets weight really is the most important factor to maintaining joint health so exercise should ideally be a part of her routine as long as it can be done without causing discomfort. Walking is usually the best for dogs but be sure to do it consistently as sudden long walks can cause soreness.  Swimming is also a great physical activity for arthritic dogs. It gives them the exercise they need to keep their weight down while minimizing pressure on joints.

3. Vitality and Energy
Although not always visible, your pet’s metabolism changes over time, which can lead to reduced activity and weight gain.
Most senior pets experience a slight to moderate reduction in daily energy needs.  But senior pets may need the same levels of certain nutrients like protein and fat as younger pets (while watching calories). It’s important to monitor your pet’s nutritional intake and weight to make sure her intake matches her declining energy needs. Higher protein options can also include L-carnitine, a vitamin-like substance that helps the body burn fat.
It is important to note that a protein-rich diet may not be beneficial for older dogs with some medical conditions, especially those in early or end stage kidney failure. If your dog has a kidney disease or another medical condition, discuss the best dietary management with your veterinarian. 
Another way to keep up your pets energy is to offer a new physical challenge or stimulation. It doesn’t have to require much physical strength. Try a new walking route for your dog.  Take her to a park she’s never been before and let her explore the new smells.  For your cat, introduce a new scratching post or motorized toy.

4. Weight Management
Just like humans, pet metabolisms slow down as they age, which can lead to weight gain. Gaining extra body weight over the years can cause a multitude of health problems and even a shorter lifespan for some pets. For example, studies have shown that excessive weight and obesity can put undue stress on weight-bearing joints and is strongly linked with osteoarthritis.
You can help prevent weight gain, and potentially some of the health problems that often accompany it, by controlling her caloric intake and making sure she gets plenty of exercise. At All Creatures Veterinary Center, we always stress that the amount of food you feed your pet is the most important part of maintaining a healthy weight.  If you are unsure about how much food you pet needs, ask your veterinarian for specific recommendation.  At All Creatures we will provide a nutrional consutlant for your pet as part of any wellness visit..
Another way to know if your pet is maintaining a healthy weight is to monitor its “body score.”  You can score your pet by evaluating its profile from the side and from above.  We have a chart that shows you how to check your pet’s body score and we will give it to you for FREE.  Just send an email request to . Enter “body score chart” in the subject line.

5. Cognitive Function
As pets’ nervous systems age, their brain function can slow down. They may start to show less interest in playing and interacting with you and your family or experience changes in their sleeping cycles.
An antioxidant-rich diet can help maintain healthy brain function. Antioxidants like vitamins E and C have been proven to help prevent oxidative damage to cells and help maintain normal brain function.  In addition, long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, such as EPA and DHA, may work to help support normal function and help keep pets active. There two ways get these nutrients into your pets diet – find a food with the additional nutrients or add a supplement to your pets diet.  If you supplement, it is important to make sure your pets get the supplement.  Many dogs are notorious for avoinding pills hidden in their food.  Cats can be hard to “pill” as well.  Mixing the supplement into the food can work, but many pets will not like this change either.  With the many choices of pet foods today, it may be easier to find a food that includes the supplements you need. 
The other factor in cognitive function is mental stimuluous.  An older dog might benefit from a obedience training refresher course.  Think about ways to provide mental and physical enrichment for your pet.  Switch out toys every so often or add an interactive toy.  Exercise is important also as mentioned earlier.

6. Sensory Reduction
Like humans, pets senses can lose some function with age.  A gradual reduction in hearing, vision and/or sense of smell is fairly common for older pets. Sometimes reduced sense of smell can lead to reduced appetite. Fortunately, there are ways to improve a picky eater’s appetite such as feeding more palatable foods. Unfortunately, there are no proven ways to improve hearing or vision, but you can monitor these areas with a minimum yearly check-up for your pet.  Ideally, once your pet reaches 5 to 7 years of age she should have twice yearly check-ups.  Your veterinarian is often able to catch sensory changes because they monitor these areas as part of the physical exam of your pet.
What to look for
A older pet that is not eating might be loosing its sense of smell or she may be experiencing dental pain or it may be another issue.  If it is a smelling issue, a different more odiferous food might help or warming the food to enhance the smell.  If you suspect dental pain or other issues, consult your veterinarian.
If you suspect your pet is experiencing hearing and/or vision loss, you really should schedule a visit to your veterinarian to make sure there is no underlying medical issue. After seeing your veterinarian, conduct a safety inspection of your home, and remove any dangerous obstacles. Add gates around stairs and de-clutter floors. Be careful not to create any sudden loud noises or quickly approach your pet from behind, which may startle and distress your pet. 
This part of aging is often not as traumatic as it seems. In fact, sometimes we pet parents don’t notice the change for a while; because the pet’s other senses help her adjust.  Don’t let these changes stop you from giving your pet exercise. If she’s hard of hearing, teach her hand signals. When you walk your dog, keep her on a short leash and stay vigilant of your surroundings. When you’re playing, teach her to respond to vibrations such as clapping or taps on the floor.

7. Dental Health
Dental disease is common in older pets and can cause pain and discomfort, and lead to decreased food intake and other serious health problems.  Bad breath can be a sign of tartar buildup or other serious gum and tooth diseases.
The best way to help prevent dental problems is to brush your pet’s teeth daily using toothpaste formulated for pets. Check your pet’s mouth regularly for any signs of dental problems, such as bleeding gums and lost teeth. Many senior pets require professional cleanings under general anesthesia. Talk to your vet to determine if and how often this may be necessary.
If your pet is experiencing dental problems, schedule an appointment with your vet to determine the best course of action. If you don’t already brush your dog’s teeth daily, begin doing so. If there is just no way brushing is going to happen, we can recommend other products to help maintain your pet’s teeth.  There are dental chews, special food and even additives for your pet’s water that will help maintain dental health.  Not maintaining your pet’s teeth will usually lead to dental disease which is estimated to go untreated in over 30% of pets.  The worse news is that the bacteria from dental disease can harm vital internal organs like the heart and kidneys.
Bonus Guideline – Insure Your Pet
It may seem counter intuitive, but in the current economy, pet insurance is an excellent value.  With many households experiencing tight budgets and less disposable income,  treating a major pet health issue can be a signigicant expense.  But what if you were to spread that one major expense over the entire life of your pet?
That is what pet insurance does.  For about $30 to $40 a month, you can be financially ready to take care of your pet when a major health issue comes up.
The two key factors in pet health insurance are the age of your pet and the insurance company.  The earlier you insure your pet, the less it will cost you per month.  So insure your pet as early as possible, when she is young if you can.
Finally, buy your insurance from a solid company.  At All Creatures Veterinary Center, we only recommend three. VPI (Veterinary Pet Insurance), Pets Best Insurance and Pet Plan.  Each of these companies has a significant business history and has multiple layers of financial safeguards to make sure that claims get paid.
The only difference between the companies is the plans they offer and how they pay pet health claims.  Once you look at all three companies and the plans they offer, one company will stand out as making the most sense to you and having the best plan for your pet.
Visit the web sites of each company and then give them a call.  Tell them about your pet and let them recommend a plan.  Then ask them how they would pay a claim.  Is there a deductible?  Is there a yearly or lifetime limit on claims?  If you can not understand how their plans work, then call the next company.  It might take you an hour to visit all their web sites and another hour to call all three companies.  For this small time investment, you will be better prepared to say yes to treating your pet when it has a serious issue.  Plus, you will feel so proud of yourself for being a caring and a financially smart pet parent. 

Monday, August 6, 2012

Make Your Pet Safer With a Microchip

Cheyenne the boxer bolted while on a walk. Gracie the beagle was frightened by fireworks and forced her way under the fence. Gretel the cat didn’t return from her daily walk around the back yard. Rosco, a beloved rescue dog was taken by a vengeful ex-boyfriend.
Some of these pets were missing for as little as 2 hours or as long as 2 years. But these dog and cat stories all ended happily because they all had a HomeAgain microchip.
Many of the pets mentioned in the stories above were found because of the services that accompany the chip like the Lost Pet Alert broadcasts to veterinarians and shelters or the yellow collar tag that alerts people that your pet has a microchip. Other services let owners make Lost Pet posters from templates on the HomeAgain website.

What: HomeAgain® Microchipping Clinic

When: Friday, August 17, 2012

10:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m - Come and Go
/ Snacks and Beverages served.

Service: Microchip and Lifetime registration for $48.60 ($10 Off)

How it Works
A microchip with a unique identification code is implanted under the skin between the shoulders of the pet. The microchip is about the size of a grain of rice and you cannot see it after it is implanted in the dog or cat. The procedure is simple and similar to administering a vaccine.
Your pet is also enrolled in the HomeAgain Recovery Service. HomeAgain maintains a national database and is available 24-hours daily, 365 days a year. When a lost pet is found, it can be scanned at an animal shelter or the clinic of a participating veterinarian. The animal’s identification number is called into HomeAgain, and the pet owner is notified immediately.
Currently, more than two and a quarter million pets are microchipped with HomeAgain and enrolled in the HomeAgain Recovery Service. Today, pet recoveries as a result of the HomeAgain microchip have grown to an average of 7,000 per month in the U.S.
The facts:
  1. 30-60% of lost pets in shelters are euthanized because they cannot be properly identified. Only about 14% of dogs and 4% of cats placed in shelters are returned to their owners.
  2. Less than 25% of all animals that enter shelters are adopted by new owners.
  3. About 2 million pets that are reported missing each year may be victims of theft.
  4. Collar tags are a great way to identify lost pets and reunite them with their owners, but they can easily come off or be removed.
  5. Reading a microchip is easier than trying to read the tattoo of a frightened stray animal.
  6. Microchipping is permanent, completely unalterable, and does not change or harm the appearance of the animal in any way. The procedure is safe, inexpensive, fast and virtually painless for the animal.
  7. There are about 50,000 microchip scanners currently in use by shelters and veterinarians.
Fit Pet Month - Update
Last month we focused on feeding your pet the right amount of food and several of you have reported remarkable results from making this adjustment. Congratulations, keep up this valuable change for your pet. Studies show that pets with correct weight and body scores live significantly longer lives than pets that are overweight. If you would like a free nutritional consult for your pet, just call us and make an appointment with one of our Certified Veterinary Assistants.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Pet Obesity Problem Keeps Expanding

Example of what not to do

The number of pets diagnosed as overweight continues to expand according to the fifth annual survey conducted by the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP).  The study found 53 percent of adult dogs and 55 percent of cats to be classified as overweight or obese by their veterinarian. That equals 88.4 million pets that are too heavy.

The interesting finding in the survey showed that only 22 percent of dog owners and 15 percent of cat owners characterized their pet as normal weight when it was actually overweight or obese. APOP founder Dr.Ernie Ward refers to this phenomenon as the "fat pet gap” or the normalization of obesity by pet parents. In simplest terms, we’ve made fat pets the new normal.

The causes for overweight pets are the same as in humans, too much food and too little activity. While those two factors are easy to understand, many owners may not realize the severe, and costly, health problems caused or made worse by excess weight. Common woes include diabetes, arthritis, kidney failure, high blood pressure and cancer. Research also shows that pets fed less over their lifetime can live significantly longer. At pet insurance company, Petplan USA, five of the top claims all have a close correlation to obesity.

There are roadblocks to efforts to get a handle on this problem;

1) Perception.  As mentioned by Dr. Ward, many owners don’t believe the clinical reality.

2) Information. Pet food makers aren't required to list caloric content on labels unless the product bills itself as low calorie; also, feeding directions on bags are listed for the "most demanding" life stage and can overfeed for a less active pet.

3) Exercise. Large breed dogs like Labradors and German shepherds need 30 to 60 minutes of active play daily, or two to three miles of walking. Smaller breeds still require about 15 to 30 minutes of play, while cats benefit from short five- to 15-minute bursts of activity like chasing toys.

What to do: Start by looking at your pet and what you feed your pet. Go to for a visual chart of what your pet should look like. Make sure you are not feeding your pet more than 1 (measuring) cup of food per 20 lbs. of weight per day. This is just a general guideline we use at All Creatures so then, consult with us or your veterinarian about the specific diet and activity needs of your pet. If you have questions, call us to set up a free Pet Diet Consult.


Friday, June 22, 2012

Is Your Pet's Inner Health a Mystery?

ÃœMore Information is a Good Thing for Pets

In our information age, you may think more information is one thing you can do without, but when you are talking about a pet you love, more information is better.

Your pet has a two big issues that affect their healthcare – (1) they can’t tell you what is wrong when they are sick and (2) they are aging substantially faster than you age.  One way to make these two things less of an issue is to have more information about what is going on inside your pet.  The best way we have to do that today is through blood testing. 

As an animal ages many of the normal organ functions gradually begin to decline, just as in humans. The eyes, ears, heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys may start to function less optimally, possibly leading to significant medical problems. It is more difficult for older animals to fight infections and problems such as arthritis frequently set in.

Early Detection blood testing tell your veterinarian and you what is happening inside your pet and can detect problems before they become serious.  At All Creatures Veterinary Center, we offer two levels of Early Detection testing.

Junior Detection is generally appropriate for pets ages 1-6 years.  The tests look at the following areas;

o  Complete Blood Count: Looks at blood cell shapes and numbers
         o  Blood Chemistries: cancers may affect organ function and lead to changes in:
             §   Kidney Function (BUN, Creatinine, Phosphorus)
              §   Liver Function (ALT, ALP, GGT, Bilirubin, Albumin)
              §   Hormonal and Regulatory systems (Glucose, Electrolytes, Calcium, Thyroid)
              §   Gastrointestinal Tract - (Protein, Electrolytes)
              §   Bone - (Calcium, Phosphorus)

Early Detection Senior testing includes all of the above tests, and adds;

§   Urinalysis - checks for bladder/urinary infections and assess kidney function

The Senior level is usually apropriate for pets 7 years and up, but it can be good information for any age pet if you or your veterinarian feel the additional data is needed. 

At All Creatures Veterinary Center both Early Detection levels include a heartworm test FREE (dogs only) making this an excellent value as part of your pet’s annual visit.  Taking advantage of the Early Detection tests tell the you and your pet's doctor more information about your pet's inner health.  This extra insight can help your pet stay healthier and also  keep your finances healthier (it costs less) if diseases are controlled before becoming serious. 

On Friday, June 29th at 10:15 a.m., All Creatures will host Story Time.  This mini Open House will feature some pet stories from our children's area read aloud and a mid morning snack.   Next, Dr. Hutton will give a short tour and show some of the more interesting X-Rays we have taken.  While the event is definitely geared toward the young at heart, but is open to pet lovers of all ages.

All Creatures now offers a way to view your pet's medical records online:
If you are one of our clients, all you have to do is provide us with an email address to get started using a variety of great services such as getting appointment reminders by text.  Call us or Click on the ePet Health logo for more information.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Heartworm Prevention Month

May is Heartworm Prevention Month                                All Creatures Veterinary Center                                    972-307-7400
A Mild Winter Means More Pests for Your Pet
The very mild winter we had here in north Texas means we can all expect lots of bugs this spring and summer.   One bug, the mosquito, is expected to be abundant and this is potentially very bad for your pet.  Mosquitoes spread heartworm disease, a parasite infection that permanently debilitates or kills thousand of pets every year.  And it only takes one infected mosquito bite to cause this disease.  An estimated one million dogs will be heartworm positive in the United States this year.

How do mosquitoes spread heartworms?
Heartworms cannot be spread directly from animal to animal without a mosquito as an intermediary. A mosquito bites an infected dog and ingests tiny heartworm larvae along with the animal’s blood. Other carriers of  heartworm disease include wolves, foxes, ferrets, coyotes and raccoons. Inside the mosquito, these larvae develop into their infective stage.  When the same mosquito bites another dog, the larvae infect the healthy animal. Without a monthly dose of preventive, the larvae continue to develop inside the dog, eventually reaching the heart and lungs. The larvae mature into adults, which can be a foot in length, and produce microfilariae that circulate in the bloodstream. Now this dog is a reservoir of heartworms and is ready for another mosquito to bite and infect yet another dog.

Luckily heartworm disease is preventable and the prevention is cheap and easy when compared to the lengthy, stressful and expensive treatment.  Treatment can cost over $1,000 which makes giving a monthly preventive a bargain in comparison.  Treatment requires painful, arsenic-based injections to kill the heartworms present inside the lungs and heart. In addition, this is followed by a 1-3 month period of limited physical activity and possible health complications. Surgery may be required for dogs burdened with large amounts of worms. It is much easier to prevent heartworms than to treat them.

What are the symptoms of heartworm disease?
*Dull coat  *Lack of energy *Coughing  *Difficulty breathing
The good news is, you can protect your pet from heartworm disease with a monthly preventative like Heartgard Plus.  (Other products we recommend at All Creatures are dual purpose products like Revolution and Trifexis)

How does HEARTGARD Plus work?
HEARTGARD Plus not only prevents heartworm disease but also treats and controls the most common intestinal parasites, hookworms and roundworms. It contains 2 medications: ivermectin and pyrantel pamoate.  Ivermectin prevents heartworm disease by killing heartworm larvae that have infected your dog during the previous 30 days. By killing the larvae, HEARTGARD Plus stops larvae from developing into juvenile and adult heartworms, thereby preventing the disease.  The low dose of ivermectin is metabolized and excreted rapidly, so it kills heartworm larvae present today but does not have an effect on larvae introduced tomorrow.  That is why it is recommended to administer a regular monthly dose to your  dog . The use of HEARTGARD Plus every month may help to reduce the burden of roundworm eggs and hookworm larvae in the environment, and thereby reduce the risk of reinfection.  HEARTGARD Plus is the only FDA-approved heartworm preventive that comes in a real beef chew.


The doctors and staff All Creatures have already seen a higher than normal number of pets infested with fleas this year - a result of the mild winter.  To promote the use a heartworm preventative with a flea preventative, All Creatures is giving a free dose of Frontline Plus when you purchase 12 months of Heartgard protection.
(Heartgard given monthly with Frontline Plus, provides the most protection for your dog against worms, fleas and other parasites.  For cats, All Creatures recommends Revolution as the most effective and broadest spectrum of protection.)

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Best Dental Care for Your Pet

PET DENTAL HEALTH MONTH                             All Creatures Veterinary Center                          972-307-7400
The Best Home Dental Care For Your Pet
Has your pet ever flopped in your lap and then dissatisfied with your attention put it's face right in your face to say 'hey, I need some attention right now'?  Did you marvel at your pet's affection or think 'we have got get you a mint or something'?
That something is home dental care for your pet.  Your pet needs regular home dental care and now there is a variety of ways to make that happen like tooth brushing, rinses,  chews and even food.  What is the BEST dental care for your pet?  It is the one you and your pet WILL DO!   Whatever type of pet oral health care fits into your daily routine.

If you are not aware of all the choices you have for daily home pet oral care, here they are rated Good to Best:
C.E.T.® Enzymatic Oral Chews for Dogs and Cats
  • These feature a Dual-Enzyme System, are made from select beefhide to combine a natural antiseptic plus an abrasive texture that works with the pet's chewing action to loosen tartar and provide plaque control. These come in a 30-count bag designed for giving one each day
C.E.T. AQUADENT® Drinking Water Additive
  • A daily drinking water additive with xylitol for dogs and cats to help fight plaque and freshen breath.  Add 2 teaspoons to a quart of pet’s drinking water every day to provide clinically tested dental care every time a pet drinks.
C.E.T.® Oral Hygiene Rinse
  • Dental rinse for cats and dogs containing chlorhexidine gluconate, cetylpyridinium chloride, in an oral rinse formulation to help fight plaque, maintain oral health, and freshen breath fast.  One squeeze into your pet's mouth quickly covers and rinses the entire mouth. You don't have to rub it around.  Your pet's natural licking action does it automatically.  Ideal when brushing is not an option.
Hill's T/D Prescription Diet Food
Prescription Diet® t/d® is formulated with the following benefits:
  • Unique kibble scrubs away laden plaque in the mouth to promote systemic health
  • Clinically proven to reduce plaque, stain and tartar buildup
  • Reduces bad breath and has antioxidants to control cell oxidation and promote a healthy immune system
Science Diet® Healthy Advantage™ Pet Food
Available exclusively from your veterinarian, Hill's® Science Diet® Healthy Advantage™ is formulated to help address five common health concerns for pets and one of those is dental health.  Healthy Advantage food uses the same kibble technology as t/d but the preventative effect is less as it is a non-prescription diet.

Daily tooth brushing is the best at-home method for maintaining good dental health for cats and dogs. There are several types of toothbrushes and different flavors of toothpaste to make it easy and effective for cat and dog owners to care for their pet’s teeth as part of their daily routines.  We will be happy to show you the different styles of toothbrushes and demonstrate them if you wish.  Keep in mind, you do not have to choose just one method of dental care for your pet.  It may be better for you and your pet to brush some days and have a chew some other days.