Friday, June 3, 2011

Fight Fleas with New Frontline Guarantee

Caring for the Pets You Love - June 2011

Frontline Plus Offers New Guarantee
Fleas are one of the most insidious pests involved in the human-animal bond.  An adult flea can lay 50 eggs a day, bite up to 400 times a day and live for 120 days.  The flea’s four stage life cycle includes – the pupae stage – that is impossible to kill.  In this stage it sits quietly - in your carpet, your cushions or your yard - until an appealing host “awakens” it to the adult stage.  This is how an area that seems clean can suddenly become infested when you or your pet enters the area.

Frontline Plus is our recommended product for controlling fleas and ticks because it has proven to be safe for pets and effective against fleas and ticks.  It kills fleas in three of the four life stages and kills more types of ticks (4) than any other product.

Now Frontline Plus is offering a Satisfaction Plus guarantee that the product will control fleas in 3 months.  If you purchase the product from your veterinarian and use according to directions for at least three months and you still have a flea problem, you will get a personal consultant to help you.  The consultant will even send Terminix to your home to treat the environment if needed.  The flea life cycle can make it hard for any product to control a true infestation, but now if regular use of Frontline Plus doesn’t break the cycle, you can get help without additional cost.

Choose Frontline Plus Savings
In June, you can choose 2 free doses or a free rabies vaccine when you purchase a 6 month supply of Frontline Plus.  This is a great choice to have and makes the per dose price competitive with less effective products.  Also, as part of our 25th Anniversary celebration we will give away four $25 credits to clients that purchase Frontline Plus.

Story Time
Dr. Hutton’s daughters, Delaney and Makena, will host a “story time” of select animal stories on Wednesday, June 22 at 10:00 a.m.   The story time will include a snack, a tour and a presentation by Dr. Hutton on X-rays.  The story time is open to children of all ages.   6/22/2011 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.

Follow Us
You can keep up with all of the 25th Anniversary activities by following us on Facebook (  or check out our blog (

Do You TEXT? J
Would you be interested in receiving communications about your pet in a text?  This is a new feature in our electronic medical records.  We can send you appointment reminders or remind you when your pet is due for service.  We can also contact you after a surgery or other pet service or even let you know when your pet is ready to be picked up from grooming or boarding.  Any interest?  Please email us with your thoughts.  ( Thank you.

Congratulations to the Winners
As part of our 25th Anniversary celebration, we gave away Early Detection Tests and a $25 Visa Gift Card in May.  Lois Teed-Gillen, Paulette Klein, Pam Fox, and Linda Morrison all received a credit on their account for the Early Detection blood tests for their pets.  The $25 Visa Gift Card went to Ashley Wathen.

Celebrate With Us
Our 25th Anniversary celebration continues in June.  We will give away another $25 Visa Gift Card so make sure to enter every time you visit our office.
More Info: